Life has been feeling very busy lately, very rushed, very exhausting, very stressful good and bad, and a lot to think about when I should be sleeping! I know I can't be alone in this, I am sure we all go through these valley's in our lives where you just want life to slow down, physically, emotionally and mentally. Something though is that when I do stop and sit and pray, I have this peace this comfort that I will make it, I will have the strength to get through anything that is thrown at me with God's help. The Book of James talks about our lives being like a vapour, not to worry about tomorrow because our lives go so fast and it means so little on earth compared to our lives in heaven for eternity. In some ways it brings some comfort why God does or doesn't heal, or do things the way we think he should. His plan for our lives is usually so far from what we thought or wanted it to be. I would do anything for God to have healed Zachariah, to take him home and have him live his life with us as a family. God had a great purpose and plan and reasons I will probably never understand why he took him. All I can do is trust that everything that happens on this earth is for a reason and plan to glorify God. I need to remind myself that if I always put my trust in God over every situation in my life whether it is finances, death, disappointment, hurt, I can get through it as long as I keep my head looking to heaven, once we start to waver, look to other things to numb the pain or fill in an empty space we are heading for a destructive road that only leads to more hurt and pain. but when we cry out to God and trust that he can help us, when we pray and read our bible, God will help us through it, doesn't mean the pain is gone, it means you feel like you are not alone, you have a great peace and unexplainable strength to get through your journey.
My Mom is facing a hard journey and to watch her trust and have so much faith and God strength is so encouraging. I feel like I am not their yet, I want to be, I want to faith that anything is possible and I know if I keep praying for it and seeking after I will be able to feel the same reassurance that God really can do anything! I am still so full of questions at times and I am stuck sometimes on the earthly realities of our lives, but my prayer is that, just as God has helped me through situations and has given me a great peace, He will also help me understand true Faith!
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