Zachariah Isaac Drover

Zachariah Isaac Drover

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Journey of Life is not Over!

Something really cool has been happening lately around my house.  Zach's memory has been so very comfortable shared and noticed, his pictures are on the walls as is a diaper and his soother in a shadow box.  More than that even Brock and Olivia talk about him everyday.  Brock still wants to see him come home but tells me all the time that he loves his little baby Zach.  It is such an amazing feeling to feel like he can stay a part of our family even from Heaven. 
Life's journey for my family has still been a rough road, while we have been busy with Zachariah and finding closure in his death, we also have been in a lot of prayer and helping Mom through her cancer.  As a daughter it is so very hard to watch your young mother have to endure so much suffering and chemo and stress of this cursed disease.  I watch Mom as she prays for strength through her treatments and for her healing from all of the pain.  I see her as a strong woman of God, I never see her blame God or get Mad at God, she Thanks God for all he has done and is going to do.  Through all life's circumstances I always want to Thank God for all he has done, look at all the miracles and do not dwell on the negative. 

In the Bible it talks about Paul, he was thrown in prison for sharing the Gospel.  He could of easily had a pity party for himself, trying to do God's work and now look where I am..But he didn't do that at all, instead Paul kept going strong, he did not focus on the bad situation but on what God could do through him in his situation. 
Philippians 4:11-13 Paul Writes :
I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  I know what it is to be in need, and I know hat it is to have plenty.  I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.   I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

Paul was encouraging us to free from self pity - with God's strength we can get through anything life brings our way.

Life is not always fair, circumstances are not always fair.  But we have a daily choice to feel self-pity or put all of our trust in God and believe he can do a work in our lives. 

It is much easier said then done, as someone who is still watching the storm blow through, I have to daily ask God for his strength to get through each day.  How can I love and support and for most keep God in the center of each day.  He is my strength and my courage.  I am sure my mom is constantly is in his arms being carried and some days I am there also.  That is the neat thing about God, you never have to try on your own, because he will carry you through the storm, he will wipe your tears and give you peace.  I know this because He has done this and is doing this for me.

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