Zachariah Isaac Drover

Zachariah Isaac Drover

Friday, March 25, 2011

In Remembrance of Zachariah Isaac Drover

July 19, 2010 – November 3, 2010

Zachariah Isaac would have been turning 1 on July 19th and in remembrance of him we are collecting new packs of receiving blankets (boy or girl) and gift cards ($10 or more)
for one of the following places:     Tim Horton’s,  McDonald's
Swiss Chalet,  Starbucks,  Wendy’s

We will be putting one pack of receiving blankets with a gift card and delivering it to the hospital around Zachariah’s birthday. The Nurses will be distributed them to the families who are faces hard times in the NICU with their babies.  Receiving blankets are the only thing that the babies can have and it is always nice for them to have their own.   And a treat away from the hospital, for a coffee or a bite to eat is always needed for the parents.  The financial cost having a baby in the NICU is very high and a small present like this will brighten their day!
We would like to get enough for levels 1, 2 and 3 in the NICU and some for future babies and their families.
Thank you so much for your generosity and kindness.
Marcia, Darryl, Brock & Olivia Drover
You can mail it to:
                                     Marcia Drover
                                     8 Carlton Place
                                     Grand Falls-Windsor, NL
                                     A2B 1E8

Monday, March 21, 2011

In a Childs mind.....

Brock is my 4 1/2 year old sweetheart little boy.  He is sensitive, strong, caring, loving. He loves his family especially his sister Olivia and Brother Zachariah.  He is so aware of his role in our family - The Big Brother, and he takes that role very seriously!  He adores Olivia, He needs to know where she is at all times and needs to touch her, hug her, kiss her to much and usually more then Liv likes.  He also loves his little baby Zach, this is very wonderful and very difficult at the same time.  He always talks about him and prays that Jesus will take care of him every night.  He will sometimes say that he misses him and that it is not fair that he doesn't have him home.  But the past few nights he has been more upset and concerned about his baby Zach.  He prayed to Jesus the other night " Jesus thank you for taking care of baby Zach for us, but can you make him better and send him home, I really want him home, I need 2 babies, Olivia and Zach" then he asked me if Jesus would send him home.. I responded as well as I could and told him what I have told him many times before, that Zachariah was very sick and the doctors tried to help him but he was to sick and died, Zach is with Jesus now and is not sick and he is happy in heaven, Zachariah can not come home because when you go to heaven you have to stay there.  Brock than told me that this is not fair and he wants his little brother.. I agreed him that it is not fair!  Later Brock was talking about our family and asked if Zach was apart of our family and I told him he was a very special and important part of our family.  He really liked that, but still is confused about heaven and dying.. one day at a time with my little man.. I have been praying for peace and comfort for Brock, that he will just know that Zach is OK.  Brock said that one day when he gets married he wants One Hundred babies and name them all Baby Zach - what a precious boy.  I hate seeing him sad it makes me sad that I can't fix this for him - But I do know someone who can - Brock is to young to understand about Zach but God can give him peace just as he has given me peace. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Some Days......

2 Corinthians 10:3-5
3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.  4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,  5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

I am feeling exhausted today, I am not sure why, but I feel spiritually, emotionally, and physically tired, weak and weary.  Life does this to us sometimes, we go and go and go and life beats us down, but I am learning how to put all my Trust in God, lean on him.  When I feel so low, I need to find my quiet place, even if that is only a inward quietness and listen to what God has to say.  I need to cast all my cares on him and allow him to carry me through this low day.  I need to rebuke all negative thoughts from my mind and know where they come from.  I need to Pray for strength and guidance.  I have a strong peace about Zachariah but some days I miss him a lot... I know God is with My Mom through her journey with Cancer but some days I get scared.... Some days I feel so spiritually, emotionally and physically exhausted, that I don't feel God's presence like I normally.  Somedays I feel alone in life.  These days I cry out to God even stronger, I ask for prayer against any and all strongholds over my life... I cry out for God's love and protection and his healing power over my life.  It are days like these that my faith is put to the test and I will continue to beat the devil down and keep striving for God's peace, keep pushing to see God's hand move in my life.  It is these days that remind me that the devil is so very real and he wants to destroy my life - But It is also these days when I do cry out to God he shows up and reminds me that he has never left me, even when I can't feel him he is always with me - His love is always around me even if it doesn't seem like it.  God loves us so much and wants us to get through our dessert and keep trusting in him.   This is not a physical battle but a spiritual one, a battle for my heart soul and mind and it is up to us to keep renewing our mind and spirit with God's word and Prayer so that God can fight this battle for us.
Life is so hard sometimes but we serve such a Big God who loves us so much, he is walking with me through this dessert - it is days like today that I remember that nothing is To Big for God!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Journey of Life is not Over!

Something really cool has been happening lately around my house.  Zach's memory has been so very comfortable shared and noticed, his pictures are on the walls as is a diaper and his soother in a shadow box.  More than that even Brock and Olivia talk about him everyday.  Brock still wants to see him come home but tells me all the time that he loves his little baby Zach.  It is such an amazing feeling to feel like he can stay a part of our family even from Heaven. 
Life's journey for my family has still been a rough road, while we have been busy with Zachariah and finding closure in his death, we also have been in a lot of prayer and helping Mom through her cancer.  As a daughter it is so very hard to watch your young mother have to endure so much suffering and chemo and stress of this cursed disease.  I watch Mom as she prays for strength through her treatments and for her healing from all of the pain.  I see her as a strong woman of God, I never see her blame God or get Mad at God, she Thanks God for all he has done and is going to do.  Through all life's circumstances I always want to Thank God for all he has done, look at all the miracles and do not dwell on the negative. 

In the Bible it talks about Paul, he was thrown in prison for sharing the Gospel.  He could of easily had a pity party for himself, trying to do God's work and now look where I am..But he didn't do that at all, instead Paul kept going strong, he did not focus on the bad situation but on what God could do through him in his situation. 
Philippians 4:11-13 Paul Writes :
I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  I know what it is to be in need, and I know hat it is to have plenty.  I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.   I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

Paul was encouraging us to free from self pity - with God's strength we can get through anything life brings our way.

Life is not always fair, circumstances are not always fair.  But we have a daily choice to feel self-pity or put all of our trust in God and believe he can do a work in our lives. 

It is much easier said then done, as someone who is still watching the storm blow through, I have to daily ask God for his strength to get through each day.  How can I love and support and for most keep God in the center of each day.  He is my strength and my courage.  I am sure my mom is constantly is in his arms being carried and some days I am there also.  That is the neat thing about God, you never have to try on your own, because he will carry you through the storm, he will wipe your tears and give you peace.  I know this because He has done this and is doing this for me.